Thank you for visiting our dedicated consultation website.
David Wilson Homes is seeking your views on a proposed housing development at the former site of Cordyce School, Riverview Drive, Dyce, Aberdeen.
The proposal includes the development of new homes with associated infrastructure, open space and landscaping. We have submitted a Proposal of Application Notice for this development to Aberdeen City Council’s Planning Service (reference 220815/PAN) and the format of this public consultation has therefore been approved.
For more information on the site and proposed development, please see our virtual exhibition page.
A drop-in exhibition was held at Dyce Community Centre, Wednesday 24th August 2022, 3pm-7pm.
We would encourage you to read through the information on this website and provide feedback before the consultation closes on Friday 9th September 2022. Please see our feedback page to provide comments using our feedback form. You can complete the feedback from directly through the website. Alternatively, you can download the form, complete it and send it back to us. Completed feedback forms can be: sent via email tocordyceconsultation@ryden.co.uk; handed to the design team at our drop-in exhibition; or posted to Cordyce Consultation, Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL.
Throughout the consultation, the design team will also be available to answer your questions and feedback forms will also be available to complete at the upcoming public exhibition event.
At the end of the consultation process, we will prepare a Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) Report to summarise your feedback and explain how it has been used to influence the proposal. The PAC Report will be submitted to Aberdeen City Council’s Planning Service in support of the forthcoming major planning application.
All feedback and comments on the proposals will be accepted until Friday 9th September 2022, when this consultation will close.
Please also note that at this stage comments are being provided to the applicant (David Wilson Homes) and their appointed design team, not the planning authority. Upon submission of the planning application, you will have the opportunity to submit formal representations to Aberdeen City Council as planning authority, for consideration during assessment of the application.

01224 588866 (Ask for Ian Scott or Michael Lorimer) – 09:00 to 17:00 weekdays
©2022 David Wilson Homes